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Cuban solidarity on show at the Eisteddfod

CUBA solidarity reached the Eisteddfod in Pontypridd today as supporters greeted Cuban ambassador Ismara Mercedes Vargas Walter.

Cymru Cuba is affiliated with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and organised the fringe event at the Maes.

Plaid Cymru Senedd member Luke Fletcher told the meeting about an all-party Cuba solidarity group that has been set up in the Welsh Parliament to provide practical support to Cuba.

“We have called for a lifting of the US blockade and take Cuba off the list of countries that sponsor state terrorism,” Mr Fletcher said.

Ms Walter thanked the meeting for its solidarity, explaining she had been the ambassador to Britain for five months and this was her first visit to Wales and the Eisteddfod.

“I want to express the gratitude of the Cuban people for all you do because it goes straight to our hearts,” Ms Walter said.

The ambassador spoke about co-operation between the National Library of Wales and the National Library of Cuba and said: “We hope that is the start of an intense period of co-operation.”

The ambassador also told of the economic damage the illegal US blockade of Cuba has caused her country, explaining that between March 2022 and February 2023 it cost her country $4.8 billion (£3.8bn).

Cymru Cuba chairman Rob Griffiths said: “In Wales, we are used to a large neighbour that we don’t see eye to eye with.

“Much more can be done to show our solidarity and it doesn’t require you to be a communist or socialist.

“We can ensure we collect essential medical supplies that Cuba is not allowed to buy and ship them to Cuba.”


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