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Campaigners target BAE Systems factory supplying parts for Israeli warplanes

PALESTINE supporters from across northern England came together on Saturday to target a BAE Systems factory supplying parts for F35 jets used by Israel in attacks on Gaza.

An estimated 500 protesters blockaded the entrance to the factory, which manufactures fuselages for the warplane, in the Lancashire village of Samlesbury, between Preston and Blackburn.

They included activists from Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine, which brings together a dozen campaign groups from the area.

It said: “Since October 7 2023, over 5,000 air strikes in Gaza have led to massive civilian casualties and destruction, with more than 20,000 children murdered.

“We won’t stand for BAE Systems’ complicity in these atrocities through their US contracts. It’s time to hold them accountable and demand an end to their role in this violence.”

Palestine Solidarity Campaign deputy director Simon Foster said: “Palestinians are facing bombardment from the air, shooting from the sea and shelling on the ground, with images of burned and decapitated children becoming a regular occurrence on our social media feeds.”

The campaign is preparing for two major protests: a national demonstration for Palestine in central London on Saturday September 7, starting at noon, and another demonstration targeting Labour’s annual conference in Liverpool on Saturday, September 21, also from noon.

Mr Foster added: “In the darkest hours for the Palestinian people, the solidarity of those who have marched and campaigned across the world has been a shining light.

“From London to Liverpool our message is clear — we will never stop campaigning until Palestine is free.”


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