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Campaigners to take Tories to court over ‘threadbare’ net-zero strategy in February

CAMPAIGNERS will bring their legal challenge of the Tory government’s “threadbare” net-zero strategy to the High Court in February, three groups taking the action confirmed today.

The government published its revised plans to reduce carbon emissions earlier this year in response to a previous legal challenge from the Good Law Project (GLP), Friends of the Earth and ClientEarth on its original strategy.

The groups are now demanding the government details how it will meet carbon targets set at five-year intervals as required under the Climate Change Act 2008.

Good Law Project legal director Emma Dearnaley said: “[Prime Minister] Rishi Sunak and [Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary] Claire Coutinho have promised an honest conversation with the public about net zero.

“But the reality is that we are seeing the exact opposite.

“Instead of being transparent about the risks facing its climate policies, the government is actively trying to prevent people from seeing them.”

Ms Dearnaley said that answers were in the public interest, adding: “We need a government and a net-zero plan that can withstand scrutiny, not hide from it.”

The hearing will be held between February 20 to 22 next year.


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