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Bus services to put people before profit, Wales' Climate Minister says

BUS service reform in Wales will put people first in a move away from prioritising profit, Climate Minister Lee Waters announced today.

“We’re moving from a privatised system that puts profit before people towards one that will plan buses and trains together around the needs of passengers,” Mr Waters said.

“This is the most far-reaching set of reforms taking place anywhere in the UK.”

The current system allows bus operators to decide where to run services based on where they can maximise profit; this will be replaced by a system of “franchised” contracts.

The plan is for Transport for Wales, councils and the Welsh government to design bus networks that link key services and tie up with other buses and with train timetables, all using one ticket.

Companies will then be able to bid to run the whole package of routes for an area, not just the ones that are the most profitable.

Bus Users UK described the bus reform proposals as a realistic plan taking account of the current funding environment.


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