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New research raises questions over SNP's education record

THE SNP faced criticism for its education record today following the publication of new research raising questions over educational attainment.

Leading expert professor Jim Scott’s submission to the Scottish Parliament analyses the impact of the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) on pupil subject choice and attainment.

His findings show a drop in overall attainment and a rise in levels of “zero attainment” since its introduction.

Scottish Labour education spokesman Iain Gray said the findings were “a damning indictment of a government unable to assess its failings.

“The SNP needs to realise these numbers are not mere statistics but the future workers and voters of Scotland,” said Mr Gray.

“It’s time the SNP face up to their failings regarding their implementation of CfE before more children have their future damaged by a government too embarrassed to admit its failings.”

The CfE was introduced in 2010 as the national curriculum in Scottish schools but its implementation has been criticised by teachers and campaigners.

The research provoked debate in the Scottish Parliament today, where Conservative Liz Smith also attacked education secretary John Swinney’s record.

A Scottish government spokesperson said improving education was a “defining mission” of the government.

“That’s why we are investing £750 million during this Parliament to ensure every child has an equal chance to succeed,” they said.

But the Educational Institute of Scotland’s general secretary Larry Flanagan told the Star that politicians were “talking down Scottish education and using it as a political football.”

“It would be welcome if [they] could instead commit themselves to ensuring our schools have the funding, resources and staffing that they require,” Mr Flanagan said.


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