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Dozens of artists and museum directors urge the British Museum to rename BP Lecture Theatre

MORE than 80 artists, museum directors, researchers, climate groups and writers have signed an open letter urging the British Museum to rename its BP lecture theatre.

They say “the damning evidence of BP’s past — and present — can no longer be ignored” after the museum joined cultural institutions who dropped the Sackler family name over its profits from the opioid crisis in the US.

The museum’s 27-year sponsorship deal with the oil giant, which this week reported £2 billion profits in the three months ending June, ended earlier this year but its name still marks the venue at t he museum.

The signatories to the letter, co-ordinated by Culture Unstained, argued that “partnering with such companies lends them an undeserved and dangerous social legitimacy and influence.”

They wrote to the outgoing British Museum director Hartwig Fischer to urge him to rename the lecture theatre as a final act before leaving his role next year.

The letter and signatories can be seen here.

The British Museum declined to comment.


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