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Aberdeen SNP and LibDems unite to back fire and rehire threat

SNP and Lib Dem councillors have united to keep the threat of fire and rehire hanging over workers heads in Aberdeen.

Elected members arrived at they city council’s budget meeting on Wednesday to be greeted by dozens of workers infuriated at the SNP-led administration’s plans to shorten the working week from 37 hours to 35, but freeze workers’ pay for two years in a bid to save £5 million.

The option of meting the real-terms pay cut by sacking council workers en masse and rehiring them on the new terms has met with overwhelming opposition from staff, resulting in Unison and Unite actively considering a strike ballot, and the GMB launching one on Monday.

Urging the meeting to reject the plan, Labour councillor Lynn Thom said: “Let’s get it off the table and support our front-line workers.”

Despite SNP councillor Christian Allard stating that the city’s greatest asset was “not oil and gas, but our people,” he joined his party and the Lib Dems in voting to keep the threat alive.

Slamming the decision, GMB Scotland’s Keir Greenaway said: “The ongoing refusal of councillors to acknowledge these bullying tactics are only used by the worst firms in the private sector becomes more shocking with every week that passes.

“They must understand this kind of intimidation of staff cannot and will not stand.”

Aberdeen TUC president Tommy Campbell said: “It’s an utter disgrace that the Aberdeen City SNP councillors and their partners, the Lib Dems, are keeping the threat of fire and rehire over the heads of council employees.

“This is in breach of SNP policy, Scottish government policy and a practice soon to be outlawed by the UK government.

“Those councillors who support this outrageous anti-worker practice should hold their heads in shame.”

Unison regional organiser, Karen Davidson told the Star: “We are extremely disappointed and frustrated that the administration has not removed the threat of Fire & Rehire. 

“Today the administration proved how much contempt and disregard they have for their staff despite their hollow words of recognition. 

“All 3 unions UNISON, GMB and Unite are being told by members enough is enough.

“We will stand shoulder to shoulder to protect our members terms and conditions and the standards of service the people of Aberdeen deserve.”


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