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Australia slammed over pension age rise

PENSIONS activists damned Australian government plans to raise the pension age to 70 today as unfair for those in physically demanding jobs, the poor and indigenous people.

Increasing the pension eligibility age from 65 to 70 by 2035 was one of the measures in a draconian budget announced on Tuesday.

National University economist Peter Whiteford said there were huge inequities in extending the eligibility age, including that poorer people and Aborigines were less likely to survive to 70.

And Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association policy adviser Charmaine Crowe described the rise as a cruel and unfair measure that would condemn many to live in poverty.

“Our concern is for people in physically demanding jobs. 

“They may be labourers or nurses and to ask them to slog it out for another three years is a cruel policy,” Ms Crewe said.

“We’re going to see a larger number of older people thrown into poverty.”


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