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Jack Houston
Did you know gorillas sing?
I didn't. Not until I read it
in New Scientist. When they're eating
they'll emit a low hum,
some sighs, a sort of ‘food tune’.
This is only in captivity though,
where, well-fed, watered, and otherwise cared for,
they've not got much to worry on.
In the wild, only the Silverback sings
to let the troop know
that "it’s still mealtime, we ain’t moving".
And I'm halfway through the page of text
when over my shoulder I hear the clearing
of throat. I look up. The staffroom’s empty.
"Tea break's over," says Mr. Docherty.
Jack Houston lives in London with his wife and son, is on the Poetry School’s MA and is a founding member of a radical housing co-op. In his spare time he works in Hackney’s Libraries. Recent work in Magma and The Butcher’s Dog. He tweets @jackmhouston
Well Versed is edited by Jody Porter (
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