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‘People want change. Labour can offer that’

SCOTTISH Labour is fielding a wide range of Corbyn-supporting candidates aiming for seats at Westminster on June 8.

Zoe Streatfield quizzes 18-year-old Christopher Rimicans, contesting the North Ayrshire & Arran seat, who could be the youngest MP in 350 years if elected.

ZS: What inspired you to get involved with the Labour Party?

CR: I want to see change. When I was at school I saw classmates coming from different communities, many students whose only square meal a day was a free school meal, many pupils whose mums and dads were on zero-hours contracts struggling to get by and this inequality really angered me.

I got involved because I could see that the Labour Party is the only party that would deal with issues of social justice and inequality.

ZS: What made you decide to stand in this election?

CR: I think you should be the change you wish to see, age shouldn’t define what you do. Corbyn has a vision for this country and will deliver a real difference to those who are struggling under this Tory government.

ZS: What are the biggest issues in your area?

CR: Personally, public services because they’re being deprived of money: the local NHS has been cut by £50 million by the Scottish government, bus services have been cut and the privatised railway services are always late and cancelling services. Schools are also being deprived of money.

Everyone needs to use public services, and austerity is ripping them apart. It’s a vile policy that’s not a necessity but a choice and Labour wants to do something about it.

People want change and they’re coming round to this idea that Labour provides opportunity for that change.


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