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NUT Conference: Teachers won’t take a side on EU referendum debate

THE National Union of Teachers will remain neutral in the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU after a heated debate on the final day of its conference yesterday.

Delegates discussed a motion arguing that privatisation and austerity is “hardwired” into the EU and called for the union to support a vote to Leave.

“If progressive forces line up behind the Prime Minister and help him win the referendum, they will do a great disservice to working people,” it stated.

Islington teacher Ken Muller pointed out that the union’s own EduFacts website warns that proposed EU-US trade deal TTIP would open the door to for-profit schooling in Britain.

He also said the bloc’s treatment of Greece proved that the “EU is no friend of working people” but a “bosses’ club that has enforced austerity across Europe.”

Jessica Edwards from Lambeth added: “I believe that it is a trade union and not the European Union that will protect workers’ rights in this country.”

An amendment from the union’s executive expressed concern that the EU is “pursuing a privatisation agenda.”

But executive member Jerry Glazier voiced fear that it would “cause division and create a distraction” for the union to support either the Remain or Leave campaigns.

Ulrike Coleman, who was born in Germany but has been teaching in Britain for 20 years, said advocating a Leave vote would “disregard” the interests of migrant members.

“For my union to pass a motion as something that would diminish my working life would be difficult to stomach,” she said.

The executive’s amendment was passed, ensuring the union would only study the “implications for members of either outcome of the referendum.”


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