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Manford takes on Britain First racists

COMEDIAN Jason Manford took on far-right Britain First with gusto yesterday after its sympathisers attacked him for saying he had deleted friends on social media for sharing its videos.

He wrote on Twitter that he had blocked three ex-pals from his Facebook page for sharing the clips, and added: “Nowt more depressing than finding out someone you know is racist.”

Mr Manford was quickly bombarded with comments from sympathisers of Britain First — known for confrontational stunts such as “storming” mosques — that denied the group was racist.

Britain First responded with a weak attempt to dish the dirt by posting a photo of him next to fellow comedian Ross Noble with a Nazi flag in the background, then criticised him for “supporting Islamic extremism.”

The picture was taken when the pair starred in a production of the Mel Brooks musical The Producers, which centres on a fictional play called Springtime For Hitler.

Britain First dimwits then accused him of finding Nazism amusing and labelled him a “disgrace.”

Mr Manford retorted: “No, Nazism isn’t funny, but Mel Brooks’ The Producers musical is.

“As you know (because I’m, you know, a human being) I am very much against extremists of all belief systems. I also like to put Britain first (note the lack of capital ­letter). But my Britain is very different to their idea of ­Britain.”

To goad them even more, Mr Manford changed his profile photo to one of him enjoying a Ramadan dinner with a British Muslim family last year.

He also showed a snap of him entertaining British troops in Afghanistan with his gags.


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