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SCOTTISH Labour has welcomed calls for increased taxes on the richest in society from the Scottish gover n ment’s own poverty adviser ahead of next month’s Budget.
Naomi Eisenstadt wants an increase in inheritance tax, income tax and greater powers for councils to raise local taxes.
“She [Ms Eisenstadt] could not be clearer when she calls on the SNP to use the powers of the Scottish Parliament to stop the cuts so we can invest in public services like schools,” said Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale.
“Labour will not vote for any SNP Budget that simply passes on Tory cuts. If the SNP doesn’t use the tax powers of the Scottish Parliament to invest in public services then Labour will amend the Budget to do exactly that.”
Ms Einsenstadt claims that higher taxation is the key to creating a more equal society. She told BBC Scotland: “When people say they want a really wonderful NHS they don’t say I want to pay more taxes for it.
“Well, I’m afraid you cannot have a really wonderful NHS unless you are willing to pay more taxes for it.”
In response to Ms Eisenstadt’s proposals, a Scottish government spokesman said: “Where we have the powers to do so, we are making taxation fairer and more proportionate to the ability to pay, while also raising additional revenue.
“That is why we are proposing progressive reforms to local taxation which will, over the lifetime of this parliament, raise an additional £500 million to invest in raising educational attainment.”
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