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Ukip embarrassed by ‘stars’ of exposé

BBC documentary shows the racist views present in the party

A UKIP councillor expelled after her racist views were caught on camera and a local chairman who defends his National Front (NF) past were among the “stars” last night of a fly-on-the-wall show.

The BBC exposé, centred on leader Nigel Farage’s South Thanet target seat, lands another damaging blow to a party that has been dogged with scandals linked to far-right and racist views.

TV crews outed Thanet councillor Rozanne Duncan after she was filmed explaining that “the only people I have problems with are negroes.”

There was “absolutely no way I’m a racist,” she told Ukip press office Liz Langton-Way, before adding: “But I really do have a problem with people with negroid features.”

The damning footage prompted Ukip to launch a rapid damage limitation exercise that saw Ms Duncan booted out.

She remained unrepentant following her expulsion, boasting: “I don’t regret saying it. I don’t regret anything, that’s the truth.”

But the party has so far failed to take any action over its South Thanet chair Martyn Heale’s past in the fascist National Front.

He has a starring role in the documentary Meet the Ukippers, where he claims that he did not realise it was “as extreme” as it made out.

Mr Heale hit the headlines last October when he was quoted by the London Review of Books defending NF as “a bit of a social club” and its far-right reputation “not fair.”

Ant-fascist campaign Hope Not Hate spokesman Simon Cressy said: “To say that about the National Front, which is a longstanding far-right neonazi party, is scandalous.

“The fact he’s been allowed to survive unchecked is a clear indicator of the train of thought in Ukip.

“It’s not like Nigel Farage doesn’t know these people — he’s fully aware of Martyn Heale’s past and yet has failed to act.”

Mr Cressy warned potential Ukip voters: “Lot’s of people in Ukip come out with similar stuff — the only reason don’t get found out is because they don’t do it in front of the television cameras.

“Don’t be fooled — scratch the surface and there’s a Martyn Heale or a Rozanne Duncan underneath.”


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