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Afghanistan: Abdullah declares presidential victory

AFGHAN presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah told thousands of supporters today that he would declare victory despite early results putting his rival Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai in the lead.

“We denounce and do not accept the results of the fraudulent vote,” he told his supporters. 

“I assure you, people of Afghanistan, that I will sacrifice for you, but I will never accept a fraudulent government.”

The Independent Election Commission said that Mr Ahmadzai had a 56-44 per cent advantage, but no winner could be declared because millions of ballots were being audited for fraud.

The presidential pretender disclosed that US Secretary of State John Kerry, who was visiting Beijing and Tokyo, would fly to Kabul on Friday to help defuse the political crisis.

However, Mr Kerry warned against suggestions of a “parallel government,” adding: “Any action to take power by extra-legal means will cost Afghanistan the financial and security support of the US and the international community.”


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