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US bombing sends world in a ‘dangerous direction’

CND general secretary Kate Hudson warned yesterday that the world is heading in a “very dangerous direction” following the US bombing of Afghanistan.

Ms Hudson told the Star that the incident was “another terrible example of Trump’s escalation of militarism and spiralling policy” following on from “the recent attack on Syria which killed many civilians and his nuclear war rhetoric against North Korea.”

She concluded: “We’re heading in a very dangerous direction and President Trump has to be stopped.”

The “mother of all bombs” used on Thursday is the largest non-nuclear weapon ever used in combat by the US military and was dropped in the Nanfarhar province very close to Pakistan.

The GBU-43B massive ordnance air blast (MOAB), which contains 11 tons of explosives, was used for the first time to destroy caves and ammunition caches held by fundamentalist group Isis.

Former US State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the use of the weapon was an indication of how Mr Trump had given “greater leeway to the military in terms of what it can do” in Afghanistan and Syria.

Mr Crowley, a former US air force colonel, said the bomb was “like creating a minor earthquake in that particular area.”

He said it would have “a profound effect not just in the immediate area, but the concussion extends for a considerable distance,” adding that civilians would have been “impacted in terms of feeling the tremor” of the weapon.

Stop the War spokesman Chris Nineham condemned the “barbaric attack,” warning it “can only increase the already deep and wide hatred of the West amongst the Afghan population.”

He said it was “one more sign that US foreign policy under Trump is going to be aggressive, unpredictable and deeply irresponsible.”


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