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LABOUR is to create a new social media code of conduct amid anger over damaging internal attacks on leader Jeremy Corbyn.
The decision was made at a meeting of the party’s national executive on Saturday, according to a report on the Labour Grassroots blog.
Left-wing NEC member Pete Willsman wrote: “Several NEC members raised the issue of the very harmful leaks to the media and the very damaging way in which social media is being used.
“The small number of ‘comrades’ who are briefing the media against Jeremy are not only disloyal to our elected leader but are harming our party.
“Party members are unlikely to forgive them for the damage they are doing.”
Mr Corbyn thanked the NEC, party staff and members for their support in the face of the attacks on him, Mr Willsman reported.
NEC member Alice Perry was clear the policy would not amount to the “policing of MPs’ tweets,” pointing out that was a matter for Labour whips in Parliament.
The development came as Ed Miliband backed Mr Corbyn to become prime minister in one of his first interviews since steping down as leader.
Mr Miliband also praised his successor for doubling the party’s membership to more than 370,000 since May’s election loss.
“I have seen that myself in my own constituency,” he said.
“As a constituency MP — and I think this is quite important — I am seeking to work out how do we use these new members so that we can do what we didn’t do fully under me, which is become a community organisation that actually is a presence in communities up and down this country.”