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A clear choice: cuts or real investment

Jeremy Corbyn makes final push to take back Glasgow

JEREMY CORBYN started his final day of campaigning in Glasgow yesterday telling supporters that the general election is a clear choice between another five years of underfunding, or investment.

As Labour continues to climb in the polls, Mr Corbyn delivered one of his final addresses to voters from a platform on Buchanan Street.

The Labour leader told the hundreds of people gathered: “They underestimated us, didn’t they, seven weeks ago. They underestimated the good sense of ordinary people, ordinary people all over Britain.”

Mr Corbyn warned that another five years of the Tories would mean more children growing up in poverty, more pensioners worried about their pensions being cut, more people on low pay while the super-rich were free to stow ever increasing amounts of money offshore in tax havens.

He said by contrast Labour had put forward a “transformative” manifesto to end austerity and replace it with an investment economy with social justice at its heart.

Mr Corbyn ruled out any post-election deals, saying: “We’re not offering anything other than us, our manifesto and our principles.”

To chants of “Jez We Can,” he said: “This campaign is very exciting — exciting because of all the people who have come on board to support and help our campaign.

“It is that sense of unity that will deliver something very historic tomorrow across the UK.

“Wouldn’t it be great if on Friday we woke up to a Labour majority across the country, a Labour government that will be a government for all of our communities across the whole of the country, to deliver that social justice that we all crave?”

The speech marked Mr Corbyn’s 84th campaign rally, with a further six events planned across the country over the course of the day, culminating at his Islington North constituency.

Glasgow South West Labour candidate Matt Kerr said he was delighted to be standing in this election.

He told the Star: “I want to be part of a government that is serious about eliminating poverty in the country, and, for the first time in my lifetime, we’ve got a manifesto that’s quite clearly determined to do it.

“On the doorstep, people ‘get’ that they’re being shortchanged by a system that’s been undertaxing people with money for too long and that they’ve been carrying the burden themselves.”


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