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Health workers vote 'no confidence' in NHS pay review body

Derisory 1% pay rise recommendation branded an insult to workers at Unison conference

Health workers rejected a “vote of no confidence” yesterday in the NHS pay review body (PRB) that recommended they receive a 1 per cent pay rise.

Delegates at public-sector union Unison’s health sector conference argued that the union should not comply with the PRB following the derisory pay offer that led the union to agree to ballot for strikes.

They argued that the PRB could not be trusted to act fairly in relation to NHS staff.

Instead, “the most appropriate and meaningful forum for negotiations” on NHS pay would be for Unison members to negotiate them directly with devolved governments, conference heard.

But the calls were narrowly defeated after a heated debate, with delegates heckling for a recount.

Speaking against, Mike Jones of Cymru Wales branch said: “The PRB is flawed, but because of what has been secured in the past we are prepared to give it another chance.”

Other delegates against the PRB warned that not recognising it when other unions did could cripple future negotiations.


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