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PEERS who have not spoken in the House of Lords this year have claimed more than a million pounds in expenses, the Electoral Reform Society revealed yesterday.
The 64 lords and ladies pocketed £1,262,670 in public money for turning up to Parliament, but failed to take part in any debates.
And a staggering 30 of the unelected politicians have pocketed £772,719 — despite not speaking for the last five years.
ERS chief executive Katie Ghose said the findings amounted to a “damning indictment” of the Lords and a “national scandal.”
The revelation dwarfs the exposure in August 17’s Morning Star of the £360,000 claimed in the last five years by peers who simply did not vote.
Lord David Powell, a former private secretary to Margaret Thatcher, last spoke in 2008 but has claimed £67,200 since 2010.
Mr Powell told the Mirror he was “satisfied” by his contribution because of his work on Lords committees.
But the shocking findings, issued as Parliament returns from summer recess, deal another blow to the credibility of the Lords after a string of recent scandals.
Public support for the Lords to be scrapped has soared since Lord Sewel resigned after photos of him snorting cocaine with sex workers were revealed in July.
Despite that, Tory PM David Cameron has now appointed 45 new peers, including 26 from his own party.
That will see membership of the Lords surge to over 800 members — making Parliament the second largest legislature after China’s which represents 25 times as many people.
“These figures show that the House of Lords is well and truly bust,” Ms Ghose added.
“The fact that peers can claim thousands without even speaking or voting in the House highlights the reality that there is no accountability for peers … We urgently need to fix this broken House before the situation gets any worse.”
“This is further proof of the need to close down the House of Lords and make all MPs do a full-time job,” said Communist Party general secretary Rob Griffiths.