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LABOUR pressure group Momentum announced yesterday that members of other parties won’t be allowed to join.
The group, which proudly sells itself as the “successor organisation to the Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Leader campaign,” made the decision at the first meeting of its national committee this weekend.
Fifty-two delegates — 26 men and 26 women — representing over 100 local Momentum groups, trade unions and liberation groups attended the conference in London.
They sought to clarify its structure and the role it will play in the Labour Party after suggestions the group could be an easy target for entryists.
Momentum has become a bogeyman for some inside the Labour Party, with deputy leader Tom Watson branding the group a “rabble.”
Under its new rules, people who are not members of the Labour Party — but do not belong to another party — will be allowed to join the group.
Momentum organiser James Schneider told the Star: “You definitely can’t be a member of another political party, but we want to be broad, bring people in and grow the party.”
The group also elected a 14-person steering committee, which includes Labour national executive leftwinger Christine Shawcroft and John Lansman of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy.
After finalising the formalities of creating a new national campaign, Mr Schneider hopes Momentum can win round critics with action.
“Momentum’s network of over 100 local groups will demonstrate how the organisation can translate a national campaign into local actions,” he said.
Its immediate aim is to mobilise new activists to help Labour win important seats in Scottish, Welsh, London and local elections on May 5.