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Outclassed Cameron starts playing it straight | Morning Star Skip to main content

Outclassed Cameron starts playing it straight

CLASS is not a concept that David Cameron often struggles with, writes Luke James.

Dennis Skinner would be the first to admit that the Eton-schooled millionaire PM does a fine job of sticking up for his.

And he enjoys nothing more than reliving his riotous Bullingdon Club days by indulging in half an hour of yah-boo yelling at Prime Minister’s questions every Wednesday.

He joked last week that the only person posher than him was acting Labour leader Harriet Harman.

So it was fitting that Ms Harman was the one to call the Tory leader’s behaviour to account yesterday, telling him to “show a bit more class.”

Mr Skinner grinned. It was the culmination of five years’ frustration at the PM’s refusal to answer a straight question.

Father of the house Gerald Kaufman called him a “waste of space” who was “damaging politics and Parliament.”

But after Ms Harman’s put-down, our posh Prime Minister did change his tone and started trying to give answers.

Who says class doesn’t matter anymore?


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