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Blair: Scottish indepence now more credible

UNREPENTANT warmonger Tony Blair warned that Scottish independence was “much more credible” in the wake of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union.

Speaking at a London event for Open Britain — which campaigns for Britain to stay in the single market — the former PM also urged Remainers to “rise up” to stop Britain leaving the EU.

Mr Blair said he wanted Scotland to stay part of the UK, but warned that Scottish independence was “back on the table, but this time with a context much more credible.”

In last June’s referendum, 62 per cent of Scottish voters wanted to stay in the EU, contrasting with a 52 per cent Leave vote across the UK.

Radical Options for Scotland in Europe chair Ian Davidson it was “not surprising that Tony Blair, who wanted Britain to join the euro and who applied to become president of European Commission, should want to overturn a decision he doesn’t like.”

The former Labour MP accused Mr Blair of seeking to cause damage in the Labour Party ahead of crucial by-elections in England and council elections in Scotland, “in an effort to undermine Jeremy Corbyn.”

He said Mr Blair’s comments would boost support for Ukip and the Tories, warning he was undermining an embattled Scottish Labour by talking up Scottish independence ahead of May’s council elections.

Scottish Labour Westminster spokesman Ian Murray dismissed Mr Blair’s claims, saying: “The Tory Brexit chaos has certainly given the SNP the excuse it was looking for to stoke up more grievance.”

But that in reality “the economic case for separation is even worse now than when the people of Scotland rejected it in 2014,” he said.

SNP Europe spokesman Stephen Gethins said that Mr Blair’s comments “simply reflect the reality that the independence debate now is fundamentally different to the one in 2014.”

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